Buy a Copy of Celestial Navigation Without Almanacs
A .pdf ebook is the format of choice for a work with many tables of data, such as this book. Reflowing text formats such as Kindle and epub destroy the formatting of tables, are not good with formulas, and do not show Greek letters. As a result this book is offered in .pdf format for Acrobat Reader (and other readers including Nook). Acrobat reader is often not included in Windows 10, but if you don't have it, it is a free download: Download Acrobat Reader for Windows 10.
The book is Letter page size, and can be printed out and bound on Letter paper. Purchasing this ebook gives you the right to print out one copy of the book, and reprint it should it need replacing. There is a section below on how to best print the book from the .pdf file.
Celestial Navigation Without Almanacs, $9.95:
Upon your purchase, I will email your ebook to you. PayPal will send me an email telling me about the order, and I will send the book to the email address you have provided PayPal.
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How to Best Print the Book
Whether you print the book on your own printer, or take it to a copy shop, I suggest printing the first two pages (front cover and copyright page) on single sheets, and the rest of the book on both sides of the pages. The back page can be, and is best, printed in color. Turn over the copyright page to face the table of contents, and the back page so the star chart faces outward as the back cover. Put a sheet of Letter size clear plastic (heavy weight clear overhead acetate is best) over the outside of each cover to protect the charts, as you may want to take them out in the dew and spray to find stars. Comb bind the book with a 3/8" comb. If you live in a country that uses A4 paper, and can't obtain Letter size, I believe a good print out can be obtained on A4 paper. Table 17 has very small margins, so you may have to compress it very slightly when printing on A4 paper. You may wish to protect the book by keeping it in a clear plastic sleeve that zips shut, so it will remain dry and readable should your boat be ravaged by a storm.
Feel free to include pages from this website in your printed book if you would like to. A good way to do this is to highlight and copy (with ctrl + C) the part of a webpage you wish to print, including graphics, and paste it into MS Word, which then gives you many options for formatting and printing.
Making Your Own Star Charts
If you want to familiarize yourself with the night sky and/or print out star charts for areas of the sky you might use for your own celestial navigation, I can recommend the freeware star charting program Cartes du Ciel. It was used to make the star diagrams on these web pages.
View a montage of excerpts from Celestial Navigation Without Almanacs
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Click here for the home page of my book, In Search of the Loving God, which includes three complete chapters from the book:
In Search of the Loving God