Article 10:
The Dual Nature of Matter and the Scope it Gives to Explain Quantum Entanglement

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In the previous article, Article 9, it was mentioned that BTTPs are traveling backward in time at the same speed as the BPs in matter they are now “passing” are traveling forward in time, and that this means they will get to the center of the Universe at the exact time of the Big Bang, when the BPs they are now “passing” left it. It follows from this that at every time between the Big Bang and now, and at every time in the future, the same BTTP is either “passing” or colliding with the same BP of matter (or one nearby). This seems like a paradox until one takes account of the fact that everything is happening “backward” for the BTTPs. It would seem that BPs are, in a way, “paired up” with BTTPs. They were originally created from EMR in pairs, as described in the article on Basic Particles. This process creates an equal number of BPs going forward in time at the speed of light, to add to the electron’s mass, and BTTPs going backward in time at the speed of light in their domain. So after the big bang, when much energy made the quantum shift to being matter, matter was created in BP-BTTP pairs that then stayed approximately together, perhaps wandering off slightly, perpetually passing each other until conditions were right for them to collide and jump to the energy quantum state again, where they become part of the Universal Energy Field, and manifest as EMR.

So it seems like matter has a dual nature, consisting of perpetual pairs of “basic particles” and “backward through time particles.” Note, though, that this pairing doesn’t necessarily mean BTTPs are formed into structures like matter — the mechanisms of this theory suggest they are probably spread out evenly over their domain. This pairing could, however, provide the scope needed to explain the “entanglement” of particles in the domain of matter, noted in quantum mechanics, whereby once close particles seem to be causally connected even when separated by great distances. This 'nonlocality' of 'correlated' particles that are then separated could have two causes under this theory. Firstly, the BTTP pairs of the two particles of matter could remain in close contact, even after the particles themselves have been widely separated, and continue to influence their BP “partners,” possibly through the second mechanism, about to be described. This second mechanism is that since under this theory every particle of matter has an old-energy blueprint, and 'everywhereness' or omnipresence is a quality of the cosmic consciosness that is made of old energy, then if the energy blueprint for one correlated particle changes, this could instantly change the blueprint of the other correlated particle, causing the distant particle itself to change so as to match its blueprint. This everywhereness in space and time of cosmic consciousness would also explain the nonlocality involved in human abilities such as intuition and ESP.

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