"Finding Your Voice as a Writer" Editing Service
My name is Mark Mason, and I have edited quite a few books, a number of which have gone on to be published. I have also written and published two successful books myself, that are marketed through this website. My aim is to help each of my clients find their own creative voice as a writer, and help them polish their work up to a high standard that is publishable. To this end, I try to tune in to your natural style, as expressed in what I see as your best and most creative passages, and make suggestions to help bring your work consistently up to that standard. If you want your work to sound good when read aloud, I can make sure of this by using a reading program on my computer to read your work aloud to me as I edit it. So you can easily see the before-and-after of the changes I suggest, I like to use MS Word's "Tracking" feature to highlight changes I suggest. This makes it easy for you to review the changes and decide whether they really are "you." If you don't think a particular change I suggest is "you," then you can work on rewording the passage in your own way and run it by me again, until we get wording that you are happy with and that seems to me to be of a high standard. Seeing how I make changes also helps you to learn to better edit your own work.
How it WorksYou e-mail me your MS Word document as an attachment, and I use Word's Tracking Feature to make suggested changes. For instance, let's say your document contains the following sentence:
I edit your document and e-mail it back to you. The sentence will then look like this:
With Word you can easily switch from this to see what your final document will look like (and switch back to see the changes — I'll help you learn to do it). In its final form, this passage will look like:
I can also help you format and publish your book on Amazon Kindle or as a .pdf ebook, and even create a set of web pages to help publicize your book. I have done this a number of times for clients and for my own books. To see examples of writing, editing and publishing work I have done for myself and clients, please go to the home page of my website by clicking here.
What I Charge and How You Can PayI will edit the first page of your initial project as an evaluation sample, so you can see if you like my work. You are under no obligation to pay me for this if you don't proceed. If you do wish to proceed, I charge $25.00 per hour for the time I spend on the project. I can give you an estimate, but not a quote, of the likely cost of your project. You can buy editing in one-hour or four-hour increments by using one of the following PayPal buttons to pay by credit card or your PayPal account. Other payment options can be discussed. Finding Your Voice — 1 hr of editing, $25.00:
Finding Your Voice — 4 hrs of editing, $99.00:
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