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God's Boundless Love for usFrom Ch. 12 of In Search of the Loving God by Mark MasonThe whole drama of creation emerges from God making us in His image and giving us free will, so we can choose between the fascination of the material universe He gave us, and the bliss of being with Him. God's greatest joy comes when we choose Him, for there is only one thing He lacks, and only one thing we can give Him - our love. For God to find real joy in having the creatures He created choose to love Him, it has to be a real choice, free and uncoerced, with the alternative being attractive in its own right. God doesn't want us to choose Him by default, which we would do if the physical universe were a totally unattractive place. God provides us with a world with many good things in it, in much the same way as parents provide books, musical instruments, toys, and other good things for their children. Parents are content to let children be amused by these things in their leisure time, if that is their wish, but gain their greatest joy in parenthood when a child comes and says, "I like my train set, but right now I really just want to be with you." Parents all hope their children will want them more than the play things they have provided them with. And God, our heavenly Father - the ultimate parent - is just the same: He'll never ask for it, nor coerce us into it, but when we come to Him and say, "Thank you for this wonderful world you put me in, but these days, whenever I see its beauty, it just reminds me of You, and I long to be with You," we melt His heart. And when we prove we mean this, by patiently sitting there, meditating, waiting on Him, loving Him with all our heart by not wanting anything else nearly so much, loving Him with all our soul by identifying with Him only, loving Him with all our strength by directing all our attention to Him, and loving Him with all our mind by not thinking of anything else, then He will come to us as a deep peace and a great joy that will float us away to paradise.
Jesus illustrated the joy God feels when a person lost in the
world returns to Him, in the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the
"Prodigal" Son:
Jesus continued:
"Not long after that, the younger son got together all he
"When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him
"The son said to him 'Father, I have sinned against heaven
"But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best
These stories come as close as words can to describing the boundless
joy God feels when a once worldly person, of his or her own free
will, repents and comes back home to Him. Note that the father
in the parable did not prevent his son leaving him, and even gave
him the means to do it, if that's what he wished to do. God has
done the same thing by providing this magnificent world for us,
where we can live independently of Him, if we wish to. Note also
that the father didn't interfere with his son once he left home:
it would have been easy for him to have sent out scouts to see
how his son was, and to pay people to make his life a little easier,
but he didn't do it; if he protected his son from the consequences
of his actions he would never have been able to learn. God does
the same thing with those who reject Him: He doesn't interfere
in any way, coerce or punish - He totally respects people's freedom.
But He does not protect them from the consequences of their actions
either, because this would rob them of their opportunity to learn.
God shows great restraint, but is rewarded when, one by one, his
children come home to Him, and each time this happens there is
a great celebration in heaven.
God doesn't follow us into our life apart from Him - He just waits
patiently for us. He could, of course, see into our future if
he wished, and know the exact moment we would return to Him. But
I suspect He doesn't do that: for one thing, it would be intruding
into our freedom, but more importantly, it would rob Him of the
joy of being surprised by our return, as the father of the Lost
Son was surprised. In this respect God is like a husband who knows
where his wife is hiding his birthday present, and could easily
find out what it is if he wanted to, but who restrains himself
so as not to spoil the shared joy of the surprise on his birthday.
Deep down, I feel certain that each time you truly give your love
to God, you surprise and delight Him. . .
From: In Search of the Loving God by Mark Mason - Copyright © 1997.To find out about options for purchasing the book (384 pp.), including buying an autographed copy directly from the author, visit my Bookstore Page:
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