Stationary Energy Theory -- Appendix E

One possible “road test” of Equation 34 is to look at the gravitational interactions of some local stars. The sun has a critical distance of about 8.47 ly, and there are just four star systems within this radius. This means that, according to this theory our sun will only have any gravitational attraction for these four star systems; all others it will repel slightly, except for Sirius as we are within its critical distance. All these other stars are being slightly repelled by our sun, and over billions of years, this could have a significant effect in keeping stars’ trajectories safely away from our sun and helping to preserve the stability of our orbit around the sun necessary for the evolution and maintenance of life. As stars approach our sun, this repulsion would slightly slow down their radial velocity toward us, and slightly increase their proper motion, steering them slightly away. Consider the star Ross 248, which is 10.4 light years from us, and traveling toward us at 81 km/s. Its proper motion is such that it will pass our sun at a distance of about 3 light years in around 36,000 years. If we assume Ross 248 got to where it is now very gradually decelerating as it went due to the repulsion calculated by Equation 34, then without this repulsion happening over the last 100 million years, Ross 248 would have traveled about 10.5 light years further, and be passing us right now, at a distance significantly closer than three light years, since there would have been no repulsion to increase its proper motion so it would pass safely clear of us. This repulsion by our sun, for objects significantly further away than the critical distance, accelerates them by an amount of –6.5 x 10-10 km/s/year — a tiny amount, for sure, but one which adds up to something noticeable over the billions of years, especially where larger stars are concerned.

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