Stationary Energy Theory -- Appendix B

The simple argument for the inverse square relationship is that because the ever so tiny repulsion between p1 and m2 and p2 and m1, causing the initial slight deflection of p1 and p2, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between m1 and m2, this causes a multiplier effect, as discussed earlier, where p1 repels m1 toward m2 and p2 repels m2 toward m1 with a greater force, which should have a multiplied-up inverse square relationship. Bear in mind, in terms of trying to analyze Figure 6, that it is only the repulsion in the space dimensions, perpendicular to the line of travel through time, that has any effect on this attraction between objects in space. It should also be noted that the angle of deflection of backward-through-time particles (BTTPs) will vary with the simple inverse of the distance from the center of the object that is repelling it, not the inverse square. Although the repelling force varies with the inverse square of the distance, the amount of time it is being repelled to gain its deflection increases directly with the distance, canceling out the squared inverse for the deflection, and bringing it back to a simple inverse. A final factor to consider is that the further apart m1 and m2 are, the more BTTPs will be passing between them, adding a slight repulsive force to attenuate the attractive force — and the number of these certainly depends on the square of the distance between m1 and m2.

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